NO LADIES BIBLE STUDY – There will be no Tuesday morning Bible Study on Tuesday, February 11th.
BREAKFAST CLUB –Join us at Denny’s on the corner of Grandview & Silvernail on Wednesday, February 19 at 9:00 am. Breakfast Club meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.
TABLE FOR TWO – Friday, February 14th, 6:30 – 9:30 pm – Join us for a special evening designed for couples to connect, reflect, and enjoy each other's company. We'll share a meal, engage in conversations, activities, and programming focused on love and marriage. RSVP on the signup sheet posted on the large bulletin board. See Deb Coonen with questions.
EVERY MEMBER SUNDAY – In order to rejoice and celebrate the family of Christ in our congregation, we would like to invite all our members to a celebration of fellowship and communion on Sunday, February 16th, at 9 am. We would love to see and worship with ALL Christ the Life members on this “Every Member Sunday.” Please join us as we give thanks for the community the Lord has created in and among the people of our congregation!
SOUTH WISCONSIN DISTRICT FINANCIAL AID – Applications are due May 15. Anyone attending a Concordia University or Seminary, is a member of an LCMS congregation in the SWD and is preparing to be a full-time church worker (pastor, teacher, deaconess, DCE/DCO, DFLM, DPM, lay minister) is encouraged to apply. There are two applications required (District Financial Aid Application and Personal Aid Application). Both are available on the SWD website –
SUMMER 2025 & 2025/2026 PRESCHOOL – Registration is open for this summer and next school year! Updated rates and registration forms are available on the bulletin board just outside of the church office. If you know of family with young children, please pass on some information! Thank you!
PARKING LOT SALTING – If you are able to help with salting this winter, please sign up on the bulletin board. See Ted Hikade, Sr. for more information.
A VISIT WITH PASTOR – Please see the bulletin board for some days and times in February that Pastor Bushre is available to visit with you and your family. You can choose either a visit in your home or at church. If you have any questions, please talk with Pastor Bushre.
OFFERINGS - If you would like to set up automatic giving, please complete the Joyful Response form and return it to the church office. You can also use the Vanco Mobile app or our online giving page. "Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." - 2 Corinthians 9:7
Kwik Trip Gas/Gift Card Sales - Available in $20, $50, $100, $200, $500
Kwik Trip Grocery Card Sales - Available in $50
Kwik Trip Ultimate Car Wash Cards – 5 Ultimate Washes for $35
See Deb Coonen, Joan Oberhaus, or Becki Van Allen to purchase Kwik Trip cards.