News & Announcements

From Sunday, 5/5:

TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK – Since 1984, the first full week of May has been designated as a special time to honor the individuals who lend their passion and skills to educating our children.  Thank you, teachers!  You are appreciated!

BINGO AT BETHLEHEM – Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Wales will have one more Bingo afternoon on June 5th. There will be a break for summer and then start back up on Wednesday, October 2nd.  Also, they will be running a Friday Bingo NIGHT trial during the month of September! So, stay tuned for more details and the specific date yet to come.

ROCK OF AGES CLASSIC CAR AND BIKE SHOW – Blessed Savior Lutheran in New Berlin invites you to stop over on Saturday, June 1 and support the New Berlin Food Pantry.  Better yet, bring your car or bike and join in the fun!  More information and registration forms are available near the large bulletin board.

ADULT INSTRUCTION CLASS – Pastor Bushre is beginning to plan an adult instruction class for incoming members – dates and details still to be determined.  If you are interested, please talk with Pastor Bushre.

BREAKFAST CLUB –Join us at Denny’s on the corner of Grandview & Silvernail on Wednesday, May 15 at 9:00 am.  Breakfast Club meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.

PRAYER CHAIN – Your church family would like to include you in their prayers! As prayer requests arise, please reach out to the church office via phone or email.  We’d be happy to activate the prayer chain on your behalf! Similarly, if you would like to be added as a ‘link’ in our prayer chain, please reach out to Becki in the office. Prayer requests will be emailed to you as they come in.  If you are already a pray-er on our prayer chain, keep an eye out for an updated contact list in the next couple weeks.

MOWING –A weekly schedule can be found on the bulletin board.  Please sign up if you’re able to help out for one of the open weeks.  Weekly tasks include riding mower, some push mower, and trimming.  If you are only able to do part of the tasks for your week, please just make a note of that on the sign-up.  

VOTERS’ MEETING – Sunday, May 19 - All adult members of CTL are encouraged to attend the Voters’ Meeting, which will be held after worship on May 19.

CHURCH & SCHOOL FAMILY PICNIC – Friday, May 31, 5:30 pm – Mark your calendar – more details coming soon!

A VISIT WITH PASTOR – Please see the bulletin board for some upcoming days and times that Pastor Bushre is available to visit with you and your family.  You can choose either a visit in your home or at church.  If you have any questions, please talk with Pastor Bushre.

OFFERINGS - If you would like to set up automatic giving, please complete the Joyful Response form and return it to the church office.  You can also use the Vanco Mobile app or our online giving page.  "Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." - 2 Corinthians 9:7

Kwik Trip Gas/Gift Card Sales - Available in $20, $50, $100, $200, $500
Kwik Trip Grocery Card Sales - Available in $25 and $50
Kwik Trip Ultimate Car Wash Cards – 5 Ultimate Washes for $35

See Deb Coonen, Joan Oberhaus, or Becki Van Allen to purchase Kwik Trip cards.
